Johnny manziel's hand size just short of 10 inches (9 7/8) very much a positive. Can control ball, throwing & handling. There are qb coaches in nfl who would. But nearly every story also notes that. Manziel's hands measured 9 7/8 inches at the combine and are actually bigger than the hands of the other top quarterbacks in the nfl draft, teddy bridgewater (9 1/4 inches) of louisville.
Johnny manziel's hand size has been measured at approximately 9. 25 inches. While this is considered average for an nfl quarterback, it has been a focal point of analysis,. If you were curious how manziels hands compared to other top quarterback prospects teddy bridgewater and blake bortles, his hands are bigger. The quarterback with the biggest hands. While many athletes are scrutinized for their height, weight, or speed, hand size has emerged as a unique measure of a quarterback's potential and performance in the nfl. In this article, we. Manziels hands are the some of the biggest his class, beating out much taller quarterbacks like teddy bridgewater and blake bortles. The distance measured is from the.
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