Traci has proven to be a strong woman, capable of taking care of herself (both financially and emotionally. ) as a professional dj and radio personality, traci is no stranger to. Love & hip hop atlantas newest cast member, dj traci steele of our sister station, hot 107. 9, explains in this interview with funky dineva and vh1 why she decided to. Traci steele, born on , started her radio career at hampton university before moving on to wwhv hot 102. 1 in virginia beach, where she worked as a hip hop and urban d. j. Vh1 reality television personality on atlanta exes who also works as a dj for bounce tv's off the chain and radio personality on hot 107. 9 atl. She began her career in radio at hampton university before working at the hip hop and urban virginia beach station wwhv hot 102. 1.
Traci steele is an american television and radio personality, author and dj who rose to fame as a hard hitting female dj plus after appearing in the 2nd season of the hit vh1. Love & hip hop atlantas newest cast member, hot 107. 9s own dj traci steele, explains in this interview with funky dineva and vh1 why she decided to join the reality show.
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