As the son of goku, gohan has had a lot of pressure on him since the beginning. Both fans and characters in dragon ball expect him to live up to his father's capabilities. Gohan is still the saiyan with limitless potential. In fact, his potential can go even further than that of the newly introduced legendary super saiyan broly. This article aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of this scene, exploring its context, significance, and reception.
Of course, at the end of the boo arc goku is the one to defeat boo and save the day, while gohan just gets beat up and is finally absorbed by boo you would hardly call that. Majin buu, or buuhan as he's known after absorbing gohan, is the most powerful villain to appear in dragon ball z. Even though kid buu is the arc's final villain, buuhan. That means trunksll come back and dende and me! Youll have plenty of friends here so you wont even need a girl! Im giving you chance to end this without.
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