Lenker was 12 when her parents divorced and, though there is an entire universe of chaos and grief that comes with that, real house culminates in the entire family coming. Lenker takes us into memories of her mother, ambiguously stitching together flashes of memories to create a portrait of lost childhood innocence and pain. Her parents joined a religious sect before she was born. They left the sect when she was age four. She has siblings named zo and noah.
Lenker, 27, was born into a religious cult and spent her early childhood living out of a blue van with her parents. She wrote her first song at eight, was gigging in bars by 12 and. Understanding the background of adrianne lenker's parents offers a window into the influences that have shaped her as an artist. Her parents, who have been integral to her. From her brief time spent in the religious cult she was born into, to living out of a van travelling the midwest with her parents, and dropping out of school to pursue music as a. Lenkers parents married young, and joined a fringe religious sect before lenker was born. Lenker was born into a cult that her family fled a couple of years after her birth her father raised her to be a musician. Texan guitarist buck meek met lenker at a show in which.
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