Sorry guys i had to adjust the video. For copy right reasons. Hey trenzies im baaaaaccckkkk going into the new year things are. Hey my wonderful sweet babies, if you would like to listen to the rest of the podcast, check out fabulous victoria podcast on any podcast platform. In another scene showing et vs sapphire, it shows rollie standing next to sky near the fight which means the girls (biggie/tesehki/suki) tried something shady enough for rollie to stay standing.
Discover the drama and excitement of the show! Suki ends up befriending smiley and bonding over their mutual dislike of mariahlynne. Tee is originally in natalie' clique, but makes a joke about natalie having a stinky vagina, and then. We're back with another recap and review ! Baddies east episode 16 : Sukihana vs rollie updated unedited full fight jamaica discussion share add a comment. N that's what rollie get cs suki literally said she wasn't with that. Watch the intense showdown between suki and rollie as tensions rise in baddies east. Who will come out on top? #suki #rollie #baddieseast #fyp. This article delves into the unfolding drama, dissecting the intricacies of the suki and rollie twitter feud and anticipating the unbridled intensity that awaits viewers ahead of the.
This article delves into the unfolding drama, dissecting the intricacies of the suki and rollie twitter feud and anticipating the unbridled intensity that awaits viewers ahead of the.
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